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(+ = corresponding authors, # = senior authors, *=equal contribution) 

Dynamic modulation of social gaze by sex and familiarity in marmoset dyads.

Xing, F., Sheffield, A. G., Jadi#, M. P., Chang#, S. W. C., Nandy+#, A. S. (2024, in review).

bioRxiv [HTML]


Non-uniform contextual interactions in the visual cortex place fundamental limits on spatial vision.

Morton+, M. P., Denagamage, S., Hudson, N. V., Nandy+#, A. S. (2024, in revision).

bioRxiv [HTML]​​

Journal Articles

(+ = corresponding authors, , # = senior author, *=equal contribution) 

Spatial context non-uniformly modulates inter-laminar communication in the primary visual cortex.

Xu+*, X., Morton*, M. P., Denagamage, S., Hudson, N. V., Nandy+#, A. S., Jadi+#, M. P. (2024).

Neuron [HTML[press]


Widespread receptive field remapping in early primate visual cortex.

Denagamage+, S., Morton, M. P., Hudson, N.V., Nandy+#, A. S. (2024).

Cell Reports [HTML]


Development of a Marmoset Apparatus for Automated Pulling (MarmoAAP) to Study Cooperative Behaviors.

Meisner, O. C., Fagan, N. A., Greenwood, J., Shi, W., Jadi#, M. P., Nandy+#, A. S., Chang+#, S. W. C. (2024).

eLife [HTML] [Digest]


Brain-state mediated modulation of inter-laminar dependencies in visual cortex. 

Das*, A., Sheffield*, A. G., Nandy#, A. S., Jadi+#, M. P. (2024). 

Nature Communications [HTML]


Brain state and cortical layer-specific mechanisms underlying perception at threshold. 

Morton, M. P., Denagamage, S., Blume, I. J., Reynolds, J. H., Jadi, M. P., Nandy+#, A. S. (2024). 

eLife [HTML]


Laminar compartmentalization of attention modulation in area V4 aligns with the demands of visual processing hierarchy in the cortex.

Wang, X., Nandy#, A. S.,  Jadi+#, M. P. (2023).

Scientific Reports [HTML]


Laminar Mechanisms of Saccadic Suppression in Primate Visual Cortex.

Denagamage, S., Morton, M. P., Hudson, N. V., Reynolds, J. H., Jadi+#, M. P., Nandy+#, A. S. (2023).

Cell Reports [HTML] [press]


The orbitofrontal cortex: a goal directed cognitive map framework for social and non-social behaviors.

Shi, W., Meisner, O. C., Blackmore, S., Jadi, M. P., Nandy, A. S., Chang, S. W. C. (2023).

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory [HTML]


Optogenetically induced low-frequency correlations impair perception.

Nandy+, A. S., Nassi, J. J., Jadi, M. P. & Reynolds, J. H. (2019).

eLife [HTML] [press[press]


Laminar organization of attentional modulation in macaque visual area V4.

Nandy+, A. S., Nassi, J. J. & Reynolds, J. H. (2017).

Neuron (93), 235-246 [HTML] [Preview][F1000]


Neurons in macaque area V4 are tuned for complex spatio-temporal patterns.

Nandy+, A. S., Mitchell, J. F., Jadi, M. P. & Reynolds, J. H. (2016).

Neuron (91), 920-930 [HTML] [press] [press]


Rapid and persistent adaptability of human oculomotor control in response to simulated central vision loss.

Kwon, M-Y., Nandy+, A. S. & Tjan, B. S. (2013).

Current Biology (23), 1663-1669 [HTML] [Preview] [press]


The fine structure of shape tuning in area V4.

Nandy+, A. S., Sharpee, T. O., Reynolds, J. H. & Mitchell, J. F. (2013).

Neuron (78), 1102-1115 [HTML] [press] [press]


Crowding during restricted and free viewing.

Wallce, J.M., Chiu, M.K., Nandy, A. S. & Tjan, B. S. (2013).

Vision Research (84), 50-59. [HTML]


Saccade-confounded image statistics explain visual crowding.

Nandy+, A. S., & Tjan, B. S. (2012).

Nature Neuroscience, 15, 463-469. [HTML] [press]


The angry brain: Neural correlates of anger, angry rumination, and aggressive personality.

Denson, T. F., Pederson, W. C., Ronquillo, J., & Nandy, A. S. (2009).

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(4), 734-744. [HTML]


Efficient integration across spatial frequencies for letter identification in foveal and peripheral vision.

Nandy, A. S., & Tjan, B. S. (2008).

Journal of Vision, 8(13), 1-20. [HTML]


The effects of skin tone on race-related amygdala activity: an fMRI investigation.

Ronquillo, J., Denson, T. F., Lickel, B., Lu, Z-L., Nandy, A. S., & Maddox, K. B. (2007).

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2(1), 39-44. [HTML]


The nature of letter crowding as revealed by first- and second-order classification images.

Nandy, A. S., & Tjan, B. S. (2007).

Journal of Vision, 7(2), 1-26. [HTML]


Classification images with uncertainty.

Tjan, B. S., & Nandy, A. S. (2006).

Journal of Vision, 6(4), 387-413. [HTML]





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